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The Definitive Guide to Online Marketing for Dentists is Now Available

VDA members can download their complimentary copy today. 

In an effort to help VDA members establish a successful online marketing strategy, endorsed partner ProSites has written The Definitive Guide to Online Marketing for Dentists which is now available to all VDA members, free of charge

When patients are selecting a new dentist, it ultimately comes down to perception. How a prospective patient perceives your practice, whether accurate or not, determines your overall success. And, the first step in creating the right perception is showing up. This is where your online presence comes in. 

This easy-to-follow resource breaks down key factors involved in website creation, search engine optimization, pay-per-click, and social media management. In addition to providing examples, each section delves into how individual elements help your practice, key decisions to consider, and pitfalls to avoid. 

Online presence is a huge part of marketing your practice. That’s why ProSites created the comprehensive Definitive Guide to Online Marketing for Dentists that walks you through the process of creating a successful online presence for your practice. 

VDA members can download their complimentary copy of The Definitive Guide to Online Marketing for Dentists HERE

About ProSites
ProSites is endorsed by VDA Services and trusted by over 7,000 dentists nationwide. ProSites delivers measurable practice growth through innovative online marketing solutions including website design, search engine optimization (SEO), social media management, pay-per-click advertising, and marketing ROI. To learn more, visit or call (888) 932-3644.