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House Overwhelmingly Votes In Favor Of Repealing McCarran-Ferguson Antitrust Exemption For Health Insurance Companies.

The ADA News (3/22, Garvin) reports that on Wednesday the House of Representatives voted 416-7 in favor of repealing the McCarran-Ferguson antitrust exemption for health insurance companies by passing H.R. 372, the Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act of 2017. The article notes that the ADA strongly supported H.R. 372, having advocated for more than 20 years for the repeal of the 1945 McCarran-Ferguson Act antitrust exemption for the insurance industry. “Today, a bipartisan majority in the House joined me in taking a historic step to begin rebuilding America’s health care market,” said Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), a dentist and ADA member who introduced the legislation on Jan. 10. “As a dentist for over 25 years, I know first-hand that restoring the application of federal antitrust laws to the business of health insurance is the key to unlocking greater competition in the marketplace.” ADA President Dr. Gary Roberts said, “I have long appreciated Paul Gosar for his steadfast commitment to patient advocacy, and I thank him for his work on reforming the McCarran-Ferguson Act. Further, I want to thank every one of the 416 members of Congress who voted for H.R. 372 today.”

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