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3 Ways to Leverage Your Marketing this Winter

When it comes to marketing your dental practice, there are countless options available. Here are three things that you can do to improve your marketing and make an impact on your practice:

1. Update your website design. When was the last time you updated your website design? If you’re like most small business owners, it’s probably been several years. However, design trends are constantly changing and it’s important to keep up with the times. Even little things, like not having a mobile-friendly website, can make your practice appear outdated – making potential patients question if you really are the dentist they should trust.

Ask your website provider if they have recently released new designs or features that you can add to your website. And, if you’re a ProSites member, you can easily update your website design at any time. Pick a design that reflects your practice’s brand, provides a thoughtful user experience, and is mobile-friendly (since most of your web traffic is likely coming from a smartphone). 

2. Write a blog post one time a week. Blogging can play a pivotal role in how you interact with current and prospective patients. Your practice’s blog can be both be used as a controlled news outlet and act as the voice of the company in a less formal, relatable manner.

Plus, by adding useful and interesting content, it can help improve your ranking on search engines. This is because search engines love fresh, relevant content that’s updated frequently.  

Use blogging as a platform to educate prospective patients on new dental technology and bolster your practice’s relationship with the community. It’s also an excellent way to encourage engagement on your social media profiles such as Facebook or Twitter. By sharing your blog posts on social media, you are creating a dialog between you and your followers (or potential patients).

Finally, blogging encourages search engines to visit your website more frequently because it’s fresh content on your site. Ensure to include search phrases prospects are likely to use when searching for your services when creating new posts.

3. Reach out to your most loyal patients. Write a thank you note, give them a call, or send them an email. Attracting new patients is much more costly than retaining loyal patients, so be sure to take the opportunity to go the extra mile -  provide recommendations, touch base and let them know you value their business.

To get more ideas on what you should be doing to market your practice online, get 25 other ideas and view the free infographic from endorsed partner, ProSites here. 

To learn more about marketing your practice online, contact endorsed partner, ProSites at (888) 932-3644 or visit  VDA members are eligible for a discount of 25% off the initial website set-up fee, so be sure to mention your membership in the VDA when you call.