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Medical Reserve Corp

Help with Vaccination Efforts - Volunteer with Virginia Medical Reserve Corps

The Virginia Dental Association (VDA) recently put out a call to Virginia dentists to consider volunteering with the Virginia Medical Reserve Corps. The Virginia Medical Reserve Corps is a force of dedicated volunteers who support communities during public health emergencies. Governor Ralph Northam issued a call to all medical professionals who are able and willing to sign up as part of the effort to stop the spread of COVID-19 and support vaccination efforts around the Commonwealth.

Dentists can sign up for the Virginia Medical Reserve Corps here: 

About the Virginia Medical Reserve Corps

There are 27 local Medical Reserve Corps units that are comprised of teams of medical and public health professionals. Hundreds of volunteers have already been deployed across Virginia to support COVID-19 Vaccination response. Their duties have ranged from staffing call banks, helping with drive-thru testing sites, counting and distributing supplies, etc. Inactive and active medical professionals can be a volunteer. You do NOT have to have an active license to volunteer. All volunteers are deployed locally and will be asked to perform duties within their scope. 

You can sign up for the Virginia Medical Reserve Corps here:
Registering is all online and takes less than 15 minutes to complete. Each registrant’s application will be reviewed and undergoes a background check. Training is also online and specific to COVID-19/Vaccinations.