Referral Book Published

2024 VDA Referral Book Released

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Emergency Assistance for Florida Dentists

I’m sure you’ve all seen the photos in the news. This hurricane did incredible damage to much of Florida. Many of our members still don’t know how their practices have fared. Some already know their practice was destroyed. Many had their homes flood. And many we have yet to hear from. Our Board and other leaders are doing all they can to reach out to those members in the areas hardest hit, although getting through is still a challenge as many have no power and in some areas no cell service either. 

We’ve appreciated the calls and emails of concern. Many of you have asked how your state might help. Our Foundation does provide grants for dentists for immediate personal needs (hotel room, food, etc.). Here’s where states can help if they wish:

The FDA Foundation provides emergency assistance grants to Florida dentists recovering from natural disasters, and our team was busy all day yesterday processing applications. We anticipate more requests over the next few days.  If you would like to contribute to our Disaster Fund, please click here and select “Disaster Fund” for the first question. You can also send a check to the address below.

FDA Foundation
Attn: R. Jai Gillum
545 John Knox Road, Suite 200
Tallahassee, FL 32309

Please make your check payable to “FDA Foundation”

The FDA is located in Tallahassee and we were not impacted at all – which is allowing us to do all we can to help those who were. Thank you all for you kind thoughts and prayers for those affected.