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Dental Days

Registration Open for Dental Days at the Capitol Jan. 18-19 in Richmond

There have been an historic number of retirements in the General Assembly in the past year and we need our member dentists to show up and educate new lawmakers around the big policy issues impacting oral healthcare.

Dental Days at the Capitol starts with a legislative reception the evening of Thursday, January 18 at the Omni Hotel Richmond. Friday morning, hundreds of dentists and dental students from around Virginia will meet for a breakfast and policy briefing, followed by visits with legislators at the newly renovated General Assembly Building in Richmond. 

This year, we will be advocating for crucial issues that impact the profession, including 

  • Dental insurance transparency reform
  • Investments in a new VCU School of Dentistry building and the future of our allied dental workforce
  • Dental and dental hygiene licensure reform
  • Safe haven reforms to make it easier for dentists to seek confidential treatment for addiction and mental health issues without fear of impact on licensure status
  • Addressing problems with Virginia’s current remote supervision laws


Lobby Day attendees will have access to multiple policy briefings in the weeks ahead to go over these issues in detail. Make sure you register today to help shape the future of dentistry in Virginia.